Twins with Cerebral Palsy See Improvements from Treatment

⏲️8 minutes read
⏲️8 minutes read

Last Updated on: 27th July 2023, 04:20 pm

Triplets Ali, Abdulla, and Mohamed were born premature at 25 weeks, all suffering from cerebral hemorrhaging. Due to the bleeding Ali passed away after 3 months. While the twins Abdulla and Mohamed survived, both had serious problems in the intensive care unit; Abdulla had a shunt but he was more stable than Mohamed whose brain white matter was effected by the bleeding. Both now live with CP which greatly alters their quality of life and ability to live independently.

Thankfully, a trip to Better Being Hospital (BBH) for treatment with Beike Biotech adult stem cells has given them and their parents hope where there was none before, and both twins are seeing big changes in their spasticity, motor function, eyesight, and general behavior.

Below is an interview with Mohamed and Abdulla’s mother, Mona Alqubaisi. The time of this interview is one month and 2 weeks post treatment.

Please describe their physical state before stem cell treatment. What are the symptoms of CP and what were the twins experiencing personally?

The babies are 1 year old and they can’t control their heads, can’t sit, can’t roll from their back to their stomach (only from stomach to back) and Mohamed can’t even hold his toys. Mohamed also has vision and hearing problems; also, he used to wear hearing aids but he was improving 10% every 3 months. He hated the hearing aids so we didn’t use them for a long time. He is wearing glasses now. His vision is -6 but he also dislikes them so we put them on him only during Occupational Therapy sessions.

Abdulla has low muscle tone (hypotonia) and no trunk control and just a little head control. He has had no weight gain for 6 months. He can only use his left hand and can’t hold toys in his right hand.

Mohamed has high muscle tone (high spasticity), but no head control at all. His head always falls back when we carry him. His hands are always clenched strongly, he can never open his hand. And he never holds his toys because of his spasticity. Mohamed has crossed eyes which is why he can’t see straight. He can only see ahead if he turn his head right or left. He cries if we put him in the baby chair and in the stroller he should always lay down, not sit like other babies because of his spasticity.”

How did you hear about Beike stem cell therapy? What did you think of the technology? Were there any concerns or hopes?

I didn’t lose hope and I didn’t believe the doctors when they said there was no cure and I’d have to wait and see what kind of difficulties my twins will have from the brain damage.

So I kept searching and searching until I found Bieke Biotechnology’s website and read about stem cells. Then I read a lot of studies and people’s experience and did the next step by sending the twins medical reports to Beike and got approval to do the stem cell treatment.

Then I started convincing my husband who wasn’t sure and was thinking negatively about the side effects. After 2 months he agreed and we started preparing for the trip and I was really scared because all of our doctors were telling me that stem cell treatment would be wasting our time and money and they were trying to stop me from doing it. But thankfully we went and all of my worries disappeared after the first stem cell injection and the results that we noticed.

What were your treatment expectations before going to Thailand? What specifically were you hoping to achieve?

Our Occupational and Physical Therapists were telling me to not to have high expectations. I don’t know why but I had a good feeling that it would work and the results have been beyond my expectations.

Upon arrival, what were the first few days like? Was it convenient, comfortable, etc?

Upon arrival the Better Being Hospital staff were waiting for us at the airport to take us to the hotel. They were so kind and friendly!

What do you think about Better Being Hospital and the Beike/BBH staff overall?

I never dealt with a hospital like BBH. From the beginning with Bieke I was surprised with the quick response from Dr. Nasir Majeed every time I sent an email asking a question. He was with me all the way, sending emails before, during and after leaving BBH. The staff at Beike also helped me to contact one of the parents I saw in a testimonial video on the website. It was another CP patient Angelica’s mom from the USA. She has become a friend of mine now after a lot of emails which gave me more confidence to do the stem cell treatment for CP.

I don’t know what else to say about the staff in BBH. The are the most kind and friendly people that my twins ever dealt with. I used to hate all the PT and OT sessions because of my twins crying all the time but in BBH they kept playing and smiling and my baby Abdulla learned how to send kisses and he kept sending kisses for all of the staff there. In general me and my babies loved all the BBH staff.

Please tell us about any results you have seen. Also, what are your thoughts about the comprehensive approach, including functional medicine and nutrition on top of the cell therapy for CP.

From the first injection which was an IV for both babies, I noticed while we were going back to the hotel that Mohamed’s clenched hands were opened and that he slept that night for the first time in his life with open hands. After 25 days in BBH my babies are able to do many new things:

  • Mohamed’s high spasticity was hugely improved.
  • He is able to sit in stroller straight and enjoy watching what surrounds him without crying.
  • Mohamed is able to hold toys in his right hand and put them in his mouth, he knows how to suck his thumb also.
  • Mohamed had a hearing test in April and had the test again after 6 weeks post treatment. He improved by 20% and he is close to normal hearing now.
  • Mohamed’s vision improved. He can see not only on his sides but he can see straight and I found that he is tracking me even if am far away from him.
  • Mohamed has huge improvement in his head control. He cannot fully control it but he can hold his head for a longer time and if he loses control he can move his head to the correct place.
  • Abdulla has full head control and he can sit in the baby walker and move backwards at the beginning and after few days he started to walk forward and turn to the sides.
  • Abdulla used to have a weak body and no trunk control but now he can sit for 2 minutes with his back straight. He can roll to both sides and is making new sounds.
  • Abdulla gained weight from the first week of stem cell treatment. He is still gaining weight and his appetite increased which really makes me happy.

I tried to use the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in my country but the doctor refused because Abdulla has a shunt and Mohamed has wide ventricles. Dr. Torsak was sure that there is no problem and that we can try. We did and there was no problem. In my opinion stem sells, oxygen camber, TMS magnetic stimulation, PT, OT, acupuncture, nutrition and the aqua therapy works all together in helping the brain damage to heal and that’s why we started to see the improvements while we were still at BBH.

What else do you wish to share regarding this treatment?

I noticed something in Mohamed: before he was smiling and playing with everyone. He didn’t recognize anyone, even his twin. I thought that he is just more sociable than his twin but now Mohamed can see the difference between strangers and doesn’t smile or play with them. He plays only with his twin and his elder brother and sisters. Also because of his improved hearing he keeps waking up from sleeping if there is noise which he didn’t before. Also he lost his appetite which worried me, but when we came back home I noticed that before he would eat anything without having problems. But now he knows the taste that he likes and the taste that he doesn’t so I have to cook the food he likes.

If you wish to speak to Mona directly about their treatment she is available by email. She speaks English and

As always we are happy for Mohamed and Abdulla and hope their results continue. For more information about this treatment, please inquire here:

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