Last Updated on: 20th June 2024, 10:15 pm
Diagnosis: Autism
- Patient name: Darien F.
- Age: 7 years old
- Nationality: Australian
- Treatment Period: 18 days – October 2019 and February 2022
- Stem Cells Provided 8 packs (UCMSC)
- Therapies Provided: Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Nutrition Therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Aquatherapy, Acupuncture Therapy
- Treatment location: Better Being Hospital
After two successful stem cell treatments, Suzana, Darien’s mom agreed to share with all of us in a Q&A session their great experience at one of our facility centers. Amazing improvements for her kid, we couldn’t be happier for them.
Tell us about Darien’s condition. How did you find out and what were your first thoughts?
My son Darien was diagnosed with ASD and GDD when he was three (3) years old in March 2018. I did not know what Autism or Global Development delay was at the time, so I really didn’t feel anything. The doctor just told us to do speech therapy and that’s it. Nothing more….
I started reading up on his diagnosis – and in time I realized how serious his condition was. I started the gluten/dairy-free diet after researching a few things, and intensive therapy – however, he was not really engaging with the therapists, or us. He could not sit down for more than one minute to do any therapy. It was very concerning – it was like he was a stranger to me….no interaction if I tried… was very hard. That was a year of bio-med, and other treatments I tried, intense therapy (15 hours at that time) but nothing seemed to help.
In mid-2019 I continued to research how I can help my son in Australia.
My husband told me to stop looking for treatments in Australia because there is none and said there MUST be something somewhere around the world – look for stem cells….that is when I started googling things on the internet (thank god for the internet). I did find Beike Biotechnology and read a bit about the company and Stem Cells (something I never knew about before); I then joined the Facebook group – Stem Cell Therapy for Autism.
I decided to locate parents who live in Australia who had gone both to Beike and other clinics. I did not trust people online when they were telling me about their children’s gains….I felt it could be a scam and I needed to speak personally to Australian mums.
I contacted the mums that live in Australia that had gone to other clinics and Beike. After this, I decided that Beike/BBH was the place to go, for a few reasons including gains from the children that had gone there vs other clinics; the number of stem cells given vs others, the history of Beike and its reputation; distance from Sydney, etc.
Expectations of the treatment
I did not know what to expect in terms of gains, but I was very excited to be there, after talking to the mum that had already gone from Australia. In my heart, I knew this was the ONLY thing that would help my son to try to have a better life….no intense therapy was working when his brain wasn’t.
My main goal for Darien and the treatment – was to improve his communication, reduce hyperactivity, stimming, and socializing; stop crying most of the day (emotional regulation), and to want to be near his brother (who at the time was 3 years of age).
On the first treatment, how was Darien’s condition before stem treatment? What symptoms was he experiencing?
Darien was a nightmare to put plain and simple. I tried everything and nothing was working. He would not want to:
- Interact with anyone including his brother
- He would be awake every night from 3-6 am
- He would be in his own world – minimal eye contact
- He would scream for most of the day –he was known in the neighborhood as the ‘boy who cries a lot.
- Hand biting when angry – he had scars on his hands
He was 4.5 at the time, and his brother (Liam) was 3 years old. I had no family support, and my husband was always at work. Darien could NOT be in the same room as his brother. I remember the days when I would be upstairs in our home – and Darien would be screaming when I would be with his younger brother in the same room. He would scream as he could NOT stand the sight of Liam…but Darien wanted me to be next to him BUT his brother was NOT to be in the same room.
I would then put Liam in the other room AWAY from Darien, but then Liam would cry for me……I did not know what to do, so I would cry and cry and no one understood……It was a very difficult period in my life, to the point I am typing this and getting upset as they were very horrible days for me – no one understood – I didn’t have a circle of friends that had ASD children…I was simply alone with the above going on.
I remember booking the treatment for later on in the year, and for months the hope that I was going to Stem Cell Therapy, kept me sane and going…I had a plan, and god I hope it did work……I booked in October (I booked the treatment in May) as a parent told me I needed to keep my son active…so if I went in the winter months, my son wouldn’t be active….(looking back, there was no need – I still keep my son active in winter, but not as much as summer of course).
After arrival, how were the first days? What did you think about the facilities and staff?
The facilities, the staff, the hotel, and the service were exceptional. I did not feel as though we were there for treatment, it actually felt like a holiday – however a holiday and healing my son……I really enjoyed the entire stay there…it was truly amazing.
What were the results of Darien’s first treatment – how long later?
The first treatment probably took about 2-3 weeks to see changes. The hand biting reduced, and his crying was almost gone (I thought it was possible to do with him not being next to his brother?)…so those early signs were good signs. I did notice more eye contact as well.
As soon as I got off that plane and came home – Darien was absolutely different!!! He tolerated his brother, he smiled at his brother…he STOPPED SCREAMING!!!!!!!!! Absolute life-changing for me…so the results were pretty much immediate.
After a few months, his sleep improved, his hand biting STOPPED, and his eye contact improved (he has amazing eye contact)…
He would sit and do therapy for 1-2 hours per session, with minimal breaks……his concentration improved – our entire life improved. He actually sat a test and got into a school (very hard to get into) with a mild to moderate diagnosis. I know in my heart, that the only reason he got in is because of Stem Cells…he learned how to focus/concentrate and read. Darien was considered severe in the original diagnosis.
Darien still needs more work however as I say ‘Rome was not built in a day. His language is very limited, but to me, if his brain is working – he can communicate by other means IF we do NOT get there…
What made you think the second round of stem cells would be beneficial for your son?
Please see above.
I go out to dinner with Darien – and he patiently waits for his meal – even if it’s 20 minutes. His comprehension has improved so much with the second round of stems.
He is friendly and very social (unfortunately language barrier – so NT kids don’t play with him) – the other day when we were at swimming lessons, a man commented on how social Darien is. He actually kissed a cute girl on the cheek – and was smiling at everyone!
He plays with his brother (to a point of play – i.e. not soccer or anything) and hugs him.
Would you consider doing a third and fourth treatment and why?
Fortunately for us as a family, we are able to continue treatments for Darien. I will not stop – as with every treatment, I know I will get some sort of gain. So I am booking a treatment for the next school holidays (Sept/Oct) – and booking in treatments probably closer to 9 months after that.
Please, tell us anything else you want to share
From when my son was diagnosed to now, he is a completely different child.
From being social, smiling most of the time, concentrating, following directions….just a pleasure to be around. There is this different bond I have with him that is hard to explain but a mum with a special needs child who puts all her energy into that child would understand what I am talking about.
As difficult as it is, having a special needs child, it is rewarding to see how he improves – and the root of this improvement is Stem Cells. I just want all the mums out there to know, that after diagnosis, it is not the end……..we have a chance to heal our kids, as much as possible. I know I will never cure my son of ASD – but I can help improve his life…I am not giving up on language – however, I am aware if he doesn’t get the language I want him to get, as long as his brain is working – he will be able to communicate.

Wow! What an amazing testimonial. Thanks a lot, Suzana and family for trusting us and sharing your beautiful experience.
Suzana has kindly made herself available on Facebook for parents who wish to know more about their experience.