Muscular Dystrophy shows Massive Improvements After Stem Cells

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Muscular dystrophy is a progressive condition characterized by muscle weakness and wasting. Rafael was diagnosed as a child yet has seen many improvements, including a slowed disease progression since undergoing adult stem cell treatment for muscular dystrophy. He has again traveled to a Beike Biotechnology’s partner treatment center in Bangkok, Thailand where is he undergoing his third comprehensive stem cell treatment procedure. Besides a slowed of the muscular dystrophy progression, he has also noticed trunk control, increased strength in his arms and legs, and naturally his daily routines such as holding a glass, eating by himself, kicking a ball, typing on his phone or computer have gotten easier.

Rafael muscular dystrophy stem cell treatment testimonial
Patient name: Rafael
Patient age: 17
Nationality: Brazilian
Diagnosis: Muscular Dystrophy
Stem Cell type:
Treatment duration: 24 Days
Approximate cell count: 300 Million
Therapies provided: Acupuncture Therapy, Aquatherapy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Before coming for stem cell treatment, Rafael was rapidly losing muscle strength and instead was met with muscle pain. Fortunately in 2014 a family friend discovered Beike Biotechnology who offers adult stem cell treatment for muscular dystrophy and other currently incurable conditions. In Rafael’s mother’s words, “[We] thought it was the light at the end of the tunnel. It was a hope for improvement, because until then there was no other alternative.” While there was concern over the experimental nature of the treatment, the hopes that the condition would stabilize and stop progressing were greater.

both the Beike and hospital staff being very welcoming, receptive, and helpful.

Their first treatment was in 2014 and after the flight to Thailand they found that after the first few days of adapting to the time difference, food, and culture, it was a very comfortable and pleasant stay with “both the Beike and hospital staff being very welcoming, receptive, and helpful.”

The family noted that the first improvements came after just one month post treatment, and has gone even beyond their expectations. The biggest surprise being an improvement in Rafael’s musculature, or muscular definition, which is an uncommon improvement for muscular dystrophy patients, especially when relying on traditional treatment methods alone.

The family feels that “the additional therapies are essential for a successful treatment along with the stem cells,” and concluded with the sentiment that others dealing with muscular dystrophy shouldn’t lose hope.

Watch: Stem Cell Plus+ | Comprehensive Therapies Support Stem Cell Treatment

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