Carlos Tesch – TBI Stem Cell Patient
Carlos was born healthy and had wonderful young life. When he was 12 he suffered a crushing traumatic brain injury. He died on the table but doctors were able to resuscitate him. Since that time he has had numerous treatments around the world aimed at improving his development and repairing the damage done to his

Cora Beth – CP Stem Cell Patient
“Experts say treatment similar to Cora Beth’s Chinese therapy is years away in the U.S.” KFOR – Stem cell treatments change girl’s life Cora Beth, the youngest of three triplets, was born with Cerebral Palsy. She has to work very hard to keep up with her older brothers. She told us all about it in

CP Patients and Families Discuss Improvements
Adult stem cell therapy utilizing umbilical cord blood for the treatment of Cerebral Palsy has been available in China for the past seven years. Cerebral Palsy is a condition where no two patients may have the same symptoms. Their development may progress in very different ways. Stem cell therapy’s outcomes are related to each patient’s

Matt Elam – Optic Nerve Atrophy
Matt has been able to do a lot in life in spite of optic nerve atrophy. All his life he’s suffered from very limited vision. His vision didn’t keep him from playing professional football but it did keep him from reading to his kids at night. During his treatment in China he began to notice

Michaela Sky – CP (Secondary Dystonia)
Michaela Sky, 11, has received two cycles of umbilical cord blood stem cells in China as of 2011. Her parents continuously search for new means of improving their daughter’s quality of life. They see the stem cell treatments as having provided improvements to her core strength, muscle tone and control amongst other things. Michaela’s father,

Connor – Optic Disorder Adult Stem Cell Patient
Connor’s stay in China saw him regain light perception for the first time since he was a baby. A child who would play in either lit or unlit rooms unaware of the light, in China he began to notice lights turning on and off. Connor’s condition has been diagnosed as Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis, a disorder

Angelica – Cerebral Palsy (PVL)
“I do know that I brought here a child that was not active, that was barely alive, that did nothing and now I have a little girl. She definitely has a lot of body movements. So I think she has a lot to work with. And I think she’s going to be fine. I could

Ciska – Glaucoma Stem Cell Patient
Ciska’s glaucoma came on suddenly and left her looking at the world as if through a pair of binoculars in a movie. She lost her peripheral vision. She found herself living in a new metropolis having to use what vision she had left to look at the ground in front of her to get around.

Santoro Leone – MSA – Adult Stem Cell Patient
When Santoro Leone’s health began to deteriorate his son, Joe, quit his job and dedicated himself full-time to his father’s care. Diagnosed with a non-genetic form of Ataxia, Santoro was dizzy all the time with numerous other Ataxia-like symptoms. In 2008 Joe accompanied his father to Qingdao China to receive adult stem cells. In this

Austin Wade – Intracerebral hemorrhage
By all appearances, Austin had a normal birth. But a few weeks after he suffered a serious brain bleed. He had missed a Vitamin-K shot at birth. In this video we caught up with Austin and his mother at home in the US a year after stem cell treatment in China.

Cassie – SOD and Autism – Stem Cell Treatment Patient
Cassie and her mother traveled to China to receive adult stem cell treatments practiced there for Septo Optic Dysplasia. SOD is developmental condition with wide-ranging affects on the body. While still in the hospital in China Cassie’s mother discusses their decision to try this new therapy and the treatments they received in China. We caught

Summer – Cerebral Palsy Adult Stem Cell Patient
Summer traveled to Qingdao, China with her parents in 2010 for adult stem cell therapy. Her father, Cody, sat with us for an interview at Chengyang People’s Hospital. Both of Summer’s parents are nurses and home health professionals. Like most parents, they are highly tuned to the needs of their children. And for them all