Sight for Ireland – A Patient Perspective

⏲️1 minute read

Last Updated on: 27th July 2023, 04:23 pm

Ireland, a little girl from the USA is receiving Beike stem cells for the second time. Ireland has Septo-optic dysplasia (SOD) as well as Autism, and received great improvements from her first round with adult stem cell therapy. Her parents are sharing her story daily with blog posts and photos of the entire treatment process. You can follow their journey by visiting:

An excerpt from their first day in Thailand and the first stem cell injection: “I really LOVED that Dr. Torsak stayed in the room with Ireland during the treatment. He made sure Ireland was okay, monitored oxygen levels, and made sure she had no allergic reaction. That was awesome! It’s so amazing to us that this little tiny bag of stem cells can do SO MUCH!! Ireland will have 5 more of these little bags of gold while she is here over the next 3 weeks.” The family will stay for 3 more weeks.

Follow their journey.