A clinical study shows safety and efficacy of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cell therapy to improve quality of life in muscular dystrophy patients Report Summary

A clinical study shows safety and efficacy of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cell therapy to improve quality of life in muscular dystrophy patients Report Summary

Author or authors of report : Alok Sharma, Hemangi Sane, Prerna Badhe, Nandini Gokulchandran, Pooja Kulkarni, Mamta Lohiya, Hema Biju, V C Jacob
Date of report : 2013-09-10
Muscular Dystrophy

Major Points:

  1. No Adverse Events: The study reported no significant adverse events, indicating the safety of the treatment.
  2. Neurological Improvements: Post-transplantation assessments showed improvements in trunk muscle strength, limb strength, and gait. Assessment scales like the Functional Independence Measure and the Brooke and Vignos Scales also showed favorable shifts.
  3. Imaging and Electrophysiological Studies: Significant changes were observed in selective cases through imaging and electrophysiological studies.
  4. Statistical Analysis: The data were statistically analyzed using Student's paired t-test and were found to be significant.


  • Overall Improvement: On a mean follow-up of 12 ± 1 months, 86.67% of cases showed symptomatic and functional improvements.
  • Muscle Regeneration: Six patients showed changes concerning muscle regeneration and a decrease in fatty infiltration on musculoskeletal magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Improved Muscle Electrical Activity: Nine patients showed improved muscle electrical activity on electromyography.
  • Strength and Gait: 53% of cases showed an increase in trunk muscle strength, 48% showed an increase in upper limb strength, 59% showed an increase in lower limb strength, and approximately 10% showed improved gait.