Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Autism and Other Chronic Conditions [Video]

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⏲️3 minutes read

Last Updated on: 27th July 2023, 03:56 pm

Patients arriving in Thailand for stem cell therapy are now also receiving a non-invasive procedure that activates specific areas of the brain and spinal cord. Research has shown that this can effectively treat symptoms of depression, anxiety, neurological pain, stroke, spinal cord injuries, autism and more.

How does it work?

This procedure is known as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and is very simple and as mentioned above, non-invasive. During the procedure, a magnetic field generator or “coil” is placed near the head of the person receiving the treatment. The coil produces small electrical currents in the region of the brain just under the coil via electromagnetic induction. This electrical field causes a change in the transmembrane current of the neuron which leads to depolarization or hyperpolarization of the neuron and the firing of an action potential.

What is the procedure like?

Regular transcranial magenetic stimulation treatment lasts roughly 45 minutes, and accepted patients will receive it regularly throughout their treatment. The patient will simply sit down in a comfortable position and the coil will be attached above the targeted location in their head. Our medical team at Better Being Hospital has observed very positive results, especially in the pain control of patients, after only a few sessions.

This procedure is recommended for patients with neurological conditions, but not all of these patients may qualify. For safety reasons, any patient with non-removable metal in their heads (with the exception of braces or dental fillings) or within 12 inches of the coil will be exempt from treatment. This includes items such as implanted stimulators, electrodes to monitor brain activity, cardiac pacemakers or implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD), or any other metal devices or objects implanted in or near the head.

TMS Research

While this procedure may sound new to some, the research and support of its use are not. One paper was able to note that there was enough significant evidence to accept with level A (definite efficacy) the analgesic effect of high-frequency TMS was effective in neurological pain reduction and anti-depressant effects, and level B (probable efficacy) for the use of low-frequency TMS in chronic motor stroke, among other conditions.

Another major area of research is on the effects of TMS in patients with Autism. Results from a major publication’s study indicated that TMS improves executive functioning in Autism Spectrum Disorder as shown by normalization of event-related potential responses and behavioral reactions during executive function test, and also by improvements in clinical evaluations. This is especially promising since Autism Spectrum Disorder currently has no known cause and no definitive treatment.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a valuable addition to our treatment protocols for autism, stroke, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, and any other neurological conditions. Coupled with our leading adult stem cells from Beike Biotechnology and the functional medicine approach, patients have the best chance to manage their symptoms, improve their quality of life, and see results.

If you are interested in receiving stem cell therapy please contact us below for detailed information and consultation.

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