Last Updated on: 12th September 2024, 03:02 am
Cerebral Palsy Patient Sees Improvements After Stem Cell Therapy
Samuel and his family recently returned for a second round of treatment with Beike stem cells. When Samuel was born in Portugal in 2013, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy as a result of neonatal hypoglycemia, which is a blood sugar deficiency that starts before or right after birth. As a result, he has been completely dependent on his parents his entire life. He’s had frequent seizures, with little muscle tone in his body, and vision that can only see the flash of a camera or bright sunlight. However, with Beike stem cells, his family has been happy to see many improvements in him. His mother says, “Before the first treatment, Samuel could not do almost anything. 3 months after the treatment, we started noticing many improvements (in) him… His swallowing got better and he can eat and drink by mouth. His lungs got better and he (has) fewer infections than he used to. He (can) cough on his own and (doesn’t) need to be suctioned twice a day anymore. He can concentrate better, recognize people by voice, and he reacts (to) what happens around him (cries, smiles, make sounds).”

Samuel’s family heard about Beike when they spoke to a former patient, and soon began watching more testimonial videos online. However, they still had many concerns about the process and treatment. Would there be a language or culture barrier? Were the doctors qualified to do these treatments? Would the stem cells work? But after arriving, Samuel and his family found they were very well cared for. Beyond the stem cells working, Samuel’s parents were impressed by the staff and supportive therapies provided during treatment. They described the staff at Beike and the Beike partner hospital as “always smiling and ready to help and to hear our concerns and opinions.” Furthermore, the supportive therapies were “very complete. The therapies and diet help the stem cells work better in (Samuel’s) body. The food is prepared especially for (Samuel), according to his condition and what he is used to having at home.” Samuel’s family plans to learn the therapies done at the hospital and practice them at home after therapy.

“In this second (treatment),” his mother said, “we knew we could trust in everything, so we didn’t have any concerns.” After finding the western restaurants, they became very comfortable in Bangkok. After spending the month of October at the hospital, Samuel has now returned home and is waiting to see more results from his second stem cell treatment. We wish all the best for Samuel and his family!
Read more about Stem Cell Treatment for Cerebral Palsy